listenPaige GoodpastureJanuary 04, 2020icavcu, black artists, painting, sculpture, photography, video, performance Great Force listenPaige GoodpastureJanuary 04, 2020icavcu, black artists, painting, sculpture, photography, video, performance
listenPaige GoodpastureDecember 06, 2019drawing, painting, photography, Sculpture, Curating, Mahari Chabwera In Search of Our Mothers Gardens, We Made Armor listenPaige GoodpastureDecember 06, 2019drawing, painting, photography, Sculpture, Curating, Mahari Chabwera
listenPaige GoodpastureAugust 13, 2019Aimee Joyaux, drawing, performance, painting, photography, printmaking, letterpress Aimee Joyaux listenPaige GoodpastureAugust 13, 2019Aimee Joyaux, drawing, performance, painting, photography, printmaking, letterpress
readMatt SheltonJanuary 30, 2019Paul Ryan, Matt Shelton, painting LookCLOSE: Paul Ryan: Conveyor readMatt SheltonJanuary 30, 2019Paul Ryan, Matt Shelton, painting
listenPaige GoodpastureNovember 01, 2018Joan Gaustad, Michael Lease, Amber Esseiva, Claire Zitzow, painting, photography, collage, curating House Hold: Joan Gaustad + Michael Lease listenPaige GoodpastureNovember 01, 2018Joan Gaustad, Michael Lease, Amber Esseiva, Claire Zitzow, painting, photography, collage, curating
listenPaige GoodpastureSeptember 26, 2018Howardena Pindell, painting, collage, sculpture, video art Howardena Pindell: What Remains to Be Seen listenPaige GoodpastureSeptember 26, 2018Howardena Pindell, painting, collage, sculpture, video art
listenPaige GoodpastureApril 10, 2018sound art, drawing, painting, Maria Chavez Maria Chavez listenPaige GoodpastureApril 10, 2018sound art, drawing, painting, Maria Chavez
listenPaige GoodpastureJanuary 26, 2018Bruce Wilhelm, painting Bruce Wilhelm listenPaige GoodpastureJanuary 26, 2018Bruce Wilhelm, painting